De U43 is ontworpen door Ericsson Frankrijk, Société des Téléphones Ericsson. De U staat voor Universel en 43 voor het jaar van introductie, 1943.
De behuizing is gebaseerd op de Ericsson 1931. Het toestel moest geproduceerd kunnen worden voor LB, CB en automatische telefonie. Het moest goedkoper zijn dan de eerdere PTT 24. Aangezien de 2e wereldoorlog in volle gang was op het moment dat deze telefoon werd ontwikkeld werd er zo min mogelijk gebruik gemaakt van strategische materialen zoals staal en de behuizing in bakeliet uitgevoerd.
Deze telefoon is het Franse standaardtoestel geweest tot in de jaren 60, toen de Socotel S63 werd geintroduceerd. De U43 werd gebruikt door zowel de Franse PTT als de Franse spoorwegen, SNCF.
The U43 was designed by Ericsson France, Société des Téléphones Ericsson. U stands for Universel (universal) and 43 for the year of introduction, 1943.
The housing is based ont the Ericsson 1931. The new model was to be produced for LB, CB and automatic exchanges. It was also required to be cheaper to produce than its predecessor, the PTT 24. As word war 2 was in full swing when this phone was developed, the use of strategic materials such as steel was avoided as much as possible and bakelite was chosen as the material for the shell.
This telephone was the French standart apparatus well into the 1960’s, when the Socotel 63 was introduced. The U43 was used by the French PTT as well as by the French railways, the SNCF.[:]
Hullo Arwin,
your website is very interesting, and very informative!
I was wondering when the PTT U43 was discontinued and thought perhaps you might know. I have a 1966 model U43 and I think it must be a very late one (maybe final year).
Many thanks for any light you can throw on this.
David (david@london on Classic Rotary Phone Forum).
Hi David, thank you for your message and your compliments.
I do not know when exactly production of the U43 ended. Most French website with any historic information about this model only state that it was in use until the 70s, but that says nothing about the end of production.
In other countries in Europe the bakelite predecessor was still being made, when the newest plastic model was introduced. The most important reason for this is that the manufacturers wanted to get rid of the stocked parts for this model.
Regards, Arwin
Would you happen to know the model name/number of the dial that was used with the U43?
Hi Dave, thanks for your comment. They used a version of an Automatic Electric mechanism. Not sure what the type or model number was.