Radio flea market Rosmalen 11 maart 2017

Radio flea market Rosmalen 2017
Radio flea market Rosmalen 2017


Den Bosch golden dragon
Den Bosch golden dragon

Flea market is perhaps not quite the correct term. It’s all too clean and neat for t hat. Well sorted stalls, reasonably carefully arranged wares, no boxes with dirty old mixed up stuff of undetermined origin.
Parts, radio receivers and transmittes, computers, televisions, hifi equipment, radio masts, cables, tools, and more, old and new in a sheer endless sea of stalls.

The middle of nowhere
The middle of nowhere

I started my journey early in the morning. I was travelling by public transport and there were enginering works on the trainline between Utrecht and Den Bosch.  When I arrived in Den Bosch I took the bus to the Autotron, situated in rural surroundings just outside the rustic village of Rosmalen: in the middle of nowhere.
And then I arrived at my destination:  a large hall full of stalls and radiolovers. And it was really busy.

Men of a certain age, alone and in groups, sometimes with their partner, younger people and even some children: a great big hall full of them. Some of the stalls were reall crowded.

What is it?

Radio flea market Rosmalen 2017 overview
Radio flea market Rosmalen 2017 overview

Like I said, it’s not exactly a flea market.  It is too clean and sorted for that. It is however a real market with stalls occupied by traders and hobbyists alike, usually from the Netherlands but there are some from Germany and the UK too.
It is organised once every year by Stichting Bossche Radio Amateur Club, BRAC and is held at the  Autotron in Rosmalen.
There is 2nd hand and new stuff and basically any electronic component you can wish for is there. The majority consists, of course, is radio related.

Why was I there?

Rosmalen telephones
Rosmalen telephones

Despite it being a radio flea market, there is some telephone stuff to be found. This market drew my attention when somebody published pictures of it, a few years back, which showed some interesting telephones for sale. I also visited this marked in 2015, when I bought a very interesting telephone indeed!

Daarnaast is er veel gereedschap te koop en er zijn natuurlijk ook allerlei onderdelen die niet uniek zijn voor telefonie die hier te vinden zijn.

My visit

CWP dial paper weight
CWP dial paper weight

A lovely day, nice weather and a long but trouble free journey. Lots to see and aside from all those people and well stocked stalls there ware a several delicacies on offer too.

Like 2 years ago they had very good croquettes, for wich I had saved some room.

I also learned a lot, as there were lots of tools I did not know existed. Enough to fill my wish list nicely.

Rosmalen 2017 man wearing radio equipment
Rosmalen 2017 man wearing radio equipment

Of course I did not go home without buying several items. I consided buying an ATEA model 51, wall version, but at the moment I really do not have room for it. Besides that, it would not add anything to my collection, as I already have one.
I did run across a dial encased in clear acrylic, made before WW2 by CWP.
That was very interesting, as I did not know CPW (Centrale Werkplaats PTT, refurbishment and mantainance department of PTT) produced dials before WW2. Unfortunately I found 70 euros rather too much and lowering the price was not an option for the seller. He was nice enough to allow me to make some pictures, though.


Rosmalen 2017 loot
Rosmalen 2017 loot

I did not buy much, but that is not a problem. I bought 36 meters of cloth covered original 4 wire black cord which will come in very handy for restoring telephones indeed. I alss found a nice bulls eye lamp with a bakelite base, which will be very good for our recently redone attick.  And of course there was the mystery box: a grey box made by Ericsson. The seller did not know what it was. He only wanted 1 euro for it, so I bought it. It kept my telephone friends on facebook quite busy, but until now nobody has been able to identify it and it’s purpose.

Something to take home

Jan de Groot pastry
Jan de Groot pastry

Fortunately I had to change over at Den Bosch central station. Den Bosch is well know for it’s Bosche bollen, chocolate covered pastry filled with whipped cream. And Jan de Groot, thé Bossche bollen specialist happens to be near the trainstation.  You can easily find it, as there is a cue of people in from of the shop.
So I took a nice box of pastry home, for the wife and kids. Perhaps they will let me visit next years flea market. 🙂

Ericsson grey mystery box
Ericsson grey mystery box

Perhaps I know by then what that grey Ericsson box actually does. Do you have any idea?

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