My mothers telephone, my guest blog for the New Hampshire telephone museum

Heemaf 1955 in hallway
Heemaf 1955 in hallway

Do you remember the telephone you grew up with?

I do. I remember playing with it, when my mum wasn’t looking. It was made of black bakelite. It had a black curly cord. It had the letters PTT on the front. PTT was the god of telephony, back then, the state Telephone Authority. It was a magical device. It was a HEEMAF type 1955. I remember pondering it’s inner workings, trying to figure out how the system worked.

This is the intro to a guest blog I wrote for the New Hampshire telephone musuem. Please read the whole blog here (and please read the others too).

They have a facebook page too, so be sure to give them a like

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