Welcome to my website. My name is ARWIN and I COLLECT and RESTORE antique telephones. I love HEEMAF telephones, especially the HEEMAF type 1955. I enjoy all kinds of prewar phones from HOLLAND made for PTT and by all kinds of manufacturers like SIEMENS & HALSKE and ERICSSON. I have a room full of plastic, BAKELITE and METAL phones. Besides that I collect RED TELEPHONES from all era’s and countries and phones that I find INTERESTING or just PLAIN FUN!
Check out my collection here!
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Our old rotary phone’s ringer volume suddenly went down to barely hearble. I checked the volume control knob under the phone and it is all the way up. Do you know why the volume suddenly went down?
Hi Jack, thanks for your question. Sorry for answering late. I was on vacation.
There are several possible causes, but it is hard to say which one is the right one. I do not even know the model of the phone.
Your telephone provider may have altered something. What kind of connection do you have? Old style copper wire? ADSL-modem? Glass fiber?
There may be a bad connection or a short. Check the wiring, outside and inside.
Perhaps something broke? A part or one of the ringing coils?
I need the transmitter threaded cap and the curved mouthpiece for a Siemens & Halske W28 telephone. Can you help?
Hi John, not sure which specific parts you mean. The W28 can have several mouth pieces. I will send you an email.